About the Finger-Painting App

We all have fond memories of finger painting as children.  Now that we're grown up, who has time to deal with the mess? Who has space to store the materials and the resulting masterpieces? If only we could do it on our iPhones at odd moments, while we're waiting in line or at the doctor's office...  

These were the musings of the developer of the Finger-Painting App. Having retired as a software engineer in the aerospace industry, she was looking for a project that would let her use her programming skills to do fun creative things, and developing the Finger-Painting App turned out to be just the project she was looking for.

There is something therapeutic about pushing paint around, sometimes purposefully aiming for a particular result, and sometimes just letting a picture happen, observing the patterns that form.  

Try it yourself and see if you don't enjoy it.  Who knows? You might end up with a work of art you'll be proud to hang on your wall.